All your Questions answered in one place

Some of your Questions:

What is ComputerSafe?
    ComputerSafe is a PC security software program that secures a user’s PC and designated personal and confidential data files form unauthorized access. It also permits the PC administrator to configure protection functions such as:
  • Locking, hiding, and/or encrypting folders and files: prevents folder and file access by unauthorized users either through network connections or from keyboard actions.
  • Monitor and record keystrokes: tracks and records in an event log all keys pressed and the application in which they were entered for subsequent review and analysis of an intruder’s intent and possible his or her identity.
  • PC siren sound on violation: utilizes PC speakers to sound an audible warning of attempts to use protected files or functions of the system.
  • Notification of alarms: informs you of attempted illegal activities via phone, page, or email.
  • Tracking lost or stolen computers: can be configured in such a way that it will send e-mail information that can lead authorities to the computer’s location when it is on-line.
  • Video capture support: utilizes a webcam, if one is configured in the system, to detect motion, capture a video record of an intruder, and store it to a file and/or immediately send it as an attachment to an email.
  • Screensaver control: permits you to control accessibility to your computer by using a password.
Is there a difference between ComputerSafe for personal use and ComputerSafe for business use?
No. For personal and business use, the cost per computer is nominal. If ComputerSafe is installed on a computer owned by a company, for-profit entity, governmental entity, educational institution, or private individual, it requires a purchase and the acceptance of a user license. Commercial, Educational, Educational, Medical, and Governmental institutions wishing to implement ComputerSafe on multiple systems can obtain substantial savings by contacting our Sales team for volume discounts.
How many licenses do I need for ComputerSafe?
Each computer with ComputerSafe installed requires a license. ComputerSafe protects the machine it is installed on.
With what platforms are ComputerSafe compatible on?
Operating Systems are: Windows 2000 Professional: SP2 , Windows 2000 , Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Home.
Do I gain from using an additional firewall in conjunction with ComputerSafe?

Yes you do. ComputerSafe complements your other security measures including those found in Windows, firewalls, and anti-virus programs that are intended to protect you from many types of hacker attacks; however, they all can be and are regularly defeated by persistent hackers. This is one reason experts agree that using multiple levels security software provides the best protection.

ComputerSafe raises the security bar significantly above that of the mentioned products. If an attacker gets through the other measures, they will be stopped from doing anything with your files protected by ComputerSafe. We recommend the use of ComputerSafe and a firewall, anti-virus scanner, and features found in the operating system. Additionally, ComputerSafe protects you from insider intrusions that are not dealt with by Windows, firewalls, and anti-virus programs. In the real world, about 70% of security breaches are from internal activities. It is not just the network connection you have to be concerned with; it’s the whole system. You can’t be over-protected

What is the small icon within the ComputerSafe logo in my system tray at the bottom right of my screen?

The icon you see in the system tray is the ComputerSafe status indicator. By left clicking on the ComputerSafe icon, you can open the control screen. However, nothing can be done from this point without the valid password. Entering the password will allow access to the ComputerSafe’s various settings menus to enable the many functions ComputerSafe performs. Check any boxes for the type of alerts you do or do not want to see

Right clicking on the system tray icon will open a pop-up menu that will allow the user with the valid password to Arm of Disarm ComputerSafe, show the Main Menu, Relock Files that were opened from an application by the authorized user, or Shutdown ComputerSafe (password required).

Beneath the ComputerSafe logo you see a horizontal line that is either solid or broken. The broken line signifies that there are no files locked. A solid line indicates that some files are locked. This line does not indicate whether any files are encrypted. The line is there to remind the user if they left their files locked or unlocked.

I receive an alert telling me my application is trying to access a file that is locked by ComputerSafe. I did not request this file be accessed. What do I do?
Some applications and Windows itself scan directories for certain types of files (such as .htm and some exe. files to name just two) when they open to determine if something needs to be done or for housekeeping purposes as a standard method of operation. The popup occurs because ComputerSafe is protecting these files from ALL attempts to access locked files. ComputerSafe is doing its job. Not knowing where the request is coming from, ComputerSafe assumes these attempted accesses are unauthorized. You can just click on Close if you want to remove the popup or Unlock File if you wish to operate on or execute the file. The password is required to unlock the file and alerts will be initiated if multiple attempts are made to enter a wrong password. The popup may also indicate that a network intrusion is being initiated. The same safety provisions apply as ComputerSafe performs its duties. Your files will be protected and you will be notified of the attempted intrusions.
Won't I be safer if I leave the File Protection on all the time?
Yes, the file locking, hiding, and encryption is designed to be used when you are not using a specific file. Additionally, if you wish to safeguard your computer from internal attacks when you leave the system unattended, the screen saver is an excellent lockout mechanism.
Does ComputerSafe protect files from access through programs like pcAnywhere?
Yes, ComputerSafe considers all access attempts on protected files and the computer’s protected components as threats no matter where they originate. All of the safeguards apply to all network based attacks. Obviously, keyboard activity is captured only from local actions at the computer.
What Images, Videos, Code Can I Use in my Items?
When using ComputerSafe, any of your personal data or program files, of any size, can be protected without effecting your whole system. The only concern or caution is to not lock files that are commonly used by the operating system or other operational programs that require access for normal every-day operation. For example, if specific files are required for Windows to function are protected by ComputerSafe, an undetermined condition may result. This is because ComputerSafe is doing its job of insuring that files that you say are confidential are just that - confidential and inaccessible to ALL file access requests unless made by you or another "authorized" user that enters your secret password.
Can I use trademarked names in my items?
Yes, ComputerSafe is an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). To be accurate it is a Host-based IDS. It satisfies the definition and performs the functions that IDS systems perform. It does so in ways that are easy to use and understand and allow any user to implement this sort of protection without being a highly trained or experience computer technician.
How can I get support for an item?
  • Provides operations for creating a strong IDS Security Policy that is the HEART of commercial IDS.
  • Can be programmed to minimize damage by protecting vital files.
  • Help identify the source of the incoming probes or attacks.
  • Can collect forensic keyboard stroke evidence, which could be used to identify intruders.
  • Similar to a security "camera" or a "burglar alarm" .
  • Alert security personnel that someone is picking the "lock".
  • Alerts security personnel that a Network Invasion maybe in progress.
  • When well configured, provides a certain "peace" of mind.
  • Part of a Total Defense Strategy infrastructure.
Most legitimate writing companies have websites where you can view samples of their finished orders. The websites also contain information about prices and deadlines. It is recommended to browse through their samples to make sure you can trust their work. Most of these companies also have a support department that can answer all your queries.
  • Not a cure-all for security ills.
  • Not a replacement for well managed firewall.
  • Not a replacement for a quality anti-virus program.
  • You should maintain a regular security audit and a strong security policy.
  • Not a replacement for a a Total Defense Strategy of an organization.

IDS is just another tool part of a good security architecture and Multi-Layered Defense Strategy.

What Images, Videos, Code Can I Use in my Items?

There is a sound way to protect your files on any storage device: HD, CD, Floppy, USB Flash Drive, or Zip, etc.. However, locking or hiding files will not protect files on removable storage since the files aren't actually changed on the drive. They can be freely accessed if you shutdown the ComputerSafe software or move the storage device to another computer. Having an external hard drive does open the door to someone moving the drive to another machine and looking at the files at their will. This would not meet your security needs.

The answer is encryption. This actually modifies the “1's and 0's” on the disk media so encrypted files require decryption before they can be used. We offer a very robust 256-bit encryption scheme in our ComputerSafe software - a free 15-day trial version can be downloaded from our web site at http://www.com-guard.com . This software will enable you to use private keys for encryption. We recommend the ComputerSafe software if you want to be totally safe.

What Images, Videos, Code Can I Use in my Items?
ComputerSafe provides for file locking and hiding any number or type of user selected files to keep them protected from unauthorized attempts to access to those files. It can also encrypt files so that even if they are left unlocked, they cannot be read by anyone without the valid password. It does not protect files that are not locked or encrypted.
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Yes. ComputerSafe’s keyboard monitoring stores keystrokes as they are entered and the name of the program/window that a user might be in to the Event Log.
What Images, Videos, Code Can I Use in my Items?
ComputerSafe is an integrated personal computer security solution designed to protect your computer and selected files from authorized use and/of access. It operates at the service level of the Windows Operating System. With ComputerSafe, you can lock, hide and encrypt your confidential computer files so that no one but you can access them. You can also quickly and easily make any number of your files invisible to the outside world. The hidden files do not even appear in your Windows Explorer directory. The product also records keystrokes, logs events that set off intrusion alarms, and sends notifications to predefined locations via page, phone, or e-mail.